AQAR 2022-2023 KLE

AQAR 2022-2023

AQAR 2022-2023

AQAR 2022-2023

AQAR 2022-2023

You’ll always be part of KLE! Our success stories over the years has contributed immensely to our ever increasing numbers!

AQAR 2022-2023

Criterion I – Curricular Aspects
Metric NoDocumentWeb Links
1.1.1.aCurriculum Implemented by University
1.1.1.bOutcome Analysis of PO’s, CO’s
1.1.1.cAny Other Document Kerns Cycle
1.1.2.aMinutes of relevant AC meetings
1.1.2.bDetails of the Revised Syllabi
1.2.1.aMinutes of relevant AC meetings
1.2.1.dStructure of CBCS, Electives
1.2.2.bMinutes of relevant AC meetings
1.2.2.dany other relevant information
1.3.1.aList Of Cross Cutting Issues
1.3.1.bDescription of Cross Cutting courses
1.3.1.cAny other relevant information
1.3.2.aValue Added Courses Brochures
1.3.4Field Visits/ Community posting/ Industry Internship/ research projects
1.3.4.bAny Other relevant information
1.4.1.bFeedback Analysis
1.4.2Action taken Report
Criterion II – Teaching, Learning and Evaluation
Metric NoDocumentsWeb Links
2.1.1.aAdmission Extracts
2.1.1.bCaste Certificates  (2022-2023)
2.1.3 aE-copies of admission letters to the students enrolled from other States / Countries.  (2022-2023)
2.1.3 bCopy of the domicile certificate/passport from respective states / countries (2022-2023)
2.1.3 cPrevious degree/ Matriculation /  HSC certificate from other state or country  (2022-2023)
2.2.1 aConsolidated report submitted to Dean academics / Dean student’s welfare on special programs for advance learners and slow learners (2022-2023)|
2.2.1 bAny other relevant information (Special  Measures)
2.2.2Any other Information (Highest qualification of teachers 2021-2022)
2.3.1.aList of Student Centric Method
2.3.1.bAny other relevant information
2.3.2.aGeotagged photographs of  clinical skills lab facilities, clinical skills models, patient simulators
2.3.2.bProof of Establishment of  Clinical Skill Laboratories
2.3.2.cProof of Establishment of Patient Simulator Laboratories
2.3.2.dReport on Training programs in clinical skill lab
2.3.2.eAny other relevant information (Faculty training programs)
2.3.3.a ICT Tools used by Teachers (2022-2023)
2.3.3.bList of Teacher using ICT Tools (2022-2023)
2.3.3 cAny Other relevant Information  Certificates of NPTEL and CITI Program  (2022-2023)
2.3.4.aDetails of fulltime teachers / other recognized mentors and students for the year
2.3.4 bAllotment order of mentor to mentee and records of mentors and mentees meetings (2022-2023)

2.3.4 cCopy of circular pertaining the details of mentor and their allotted mentees (2022-2023)
 2.3.4 dLog book mentors
2.4.1.aAppointment  letters of faculty (2022-2023)
2.4.1.bAny other relevant information – relieving orders
2.4.2Copies of  Ph.D  guideship  letters (2022-2023)


Teaching  experience certificates of faculty (2023-2023)1.
2.4.3.bAny other relevant information – Previous experience
2.4.4.aReports of the e-training programs (2022-2023)
2.4.4.bCertificate of completion of training for development of and delivery of e-contents / e-courses / video lectures / demonstrations (2022-2023)
2.4.5.aCertified e-copies of award letters
2.4.5.bAny other relevant information (KAHER recognitions)


Any other relevant information (2022-2023)
a. Time Table of Theory Exam
b. Time Table of Practical Exam
c. Examination Notification
d. Result Notifications
e. Ledgers
2.5.4Details of examination reforms implemented
2.5.5The present status of automation
2.6.1.aLearning outcomes and graduate attributes
2.6.1.bMethods of the assessment of learning outcomes and graduate attributes
2.6.2Annual report of examination as placed before BOM for year (2022-2023|)
Criteria – III Research, Innovations and Extension
Metric NoDocumentsWeb Links
3.1.3Certified e-copies of award letters of the teachers
3.1.4.aE copies of fellowship award letters
3.1.4.bOther relevant information
3.1.5Videos and geo-tagged photographs
3.1.6E –  copies of Department recognition letters
3.2.1E – copies of grant award letters for research projects
3.2.2E-Copies of Grant Awards Letter for Research projects – Sponsored by Govt. agencies
3.2.3Supporting documents from funding agencies
3.3.1Geotagged photographs of the facilities and innovations made
3.3.2Reports of the events
3.3.2.aList of the Workshop & Seminars
3.3.3E copies of award letters for innovations with details of award
3.3.3.aLink to appropriate details on the Institutional website
3.4.1Course content of research ethics and details of members of Ethics Committee
3.4.1.aMinutes of Relevant Ethics committee meeting
3.4.1.bMinutes of  publication board committee meeting
3.4.1.cCopy of software procurement for plagiarism check
3.4.2Commendation certificates & receipts, cash awards
3.4.3E-copies of the letters of award publication of patent copyright
3.4.5Other relevant information
3.4.6List of research papers
3.4.6.aOther relevant information
3.4.7Other relevant information
3.5.1Minutes of the Governing Council/ Syndicate/Board of Management
3.5.1.aList of the training / capacity building programs
3.5.1.bOther relevant information
3.5.2Audited statements of accounts
3.6.1.aReports of the Program
3.6.2Reports of Events
3.6.3Number of  Awards for Extension activities
3.6.4.aExpenditure certificate
3.7.1Certified copies of collaboration documents and exchange visits
3.7.2E-copies of the functional MoU’s with institution/ industry/ corporate house, Indicating the start date and completion date
Criterion IV – Infrastructure and Learning Resources
Metric.No DocumentsWeb Links
4.1.1.aFacilities for teaching-learning, skill acquisition etc
4.1.1.bGeotag photographs of the facilities
4.1.1.cAny other relevant information – In-voice copies
4.1.2.aGeotag photos-cultural-sports facilities
4.2.1.b Any other documents
4.1.3.aGeotag Photographs Campus
4.1.3.bAny other information – Total Area, Green Audit, Co-op Store, Hostel
4.2.1.aGeotag photographs of the facilities
4.2.1.bFacilities for teaching-learning, equipment as per norms
4.2.1.cIn-voice copies
4.2.2.a Outpatient & inpatient Hospital Statistics
4.2.2.bAdequacy of outpatient-Inpatinet statistics
4.2.2.c Any other documents
4.3.1.aGeotagged Photos of Library
4.3.1.bEasylib Software Renewal
4.3.2.aLibrary acquisition data (21-22)
4.3.2.bAny other – Easylib sofware renewal
4.3.5E – Content developed  by the Teachers Students
4.4.1Geotag Photographs  Classroom
4.4.2.aMaintenance of IT, WI-FI facility
4.2.2.. Any other Documents
4.4.4.a LCS-Imparatus , Ayurveda
4.4.4.bGeotagged Photos  Studio
4.4.4.c Any other Documents
4.5.2.aMinutes of meetings of the Maintenance committee
4.5.2.bLog book regardomg maintenance works
4.5.2.c Any other Documents
Criterion V – Student Support and Progression
Metric No.DocumentWeb Links
5.1.1Sanction orders of Government Scholarship
5.1.1.aSanction orders of Institutional Scholarship
5.1.2Detailed Reports of Capability enhancement programs & other skills development schemes
5.1.3Copy of circular brochure of such programs
5.1.3.aCompetitive exam & Career advancement
5.1.4International Students Cell
5.14.aOther relevant information
5.1.5Transparent Mechanism
5.1.5.aCircular / Web-link / committee report
5.1.5.bProof of Constitution
5.2.1Pass certificate
5.2.1.aOther relevant information
5.2.2Placement Details
5.2.2.aPlacement cell activities
5.2.3Supporting Data
5.3.1E-copies of Award letters & Certificates
5.3.2Student Council Activities
5.3.2.aOther relevant information
5.3.3Reports of events
5.4.1Alumni Association Activities
5.4.1.aAlumni Association Frequency of Meetings
5.4.1.bAlumni Association Audit Report
5.4.2Contribution Proof
5.4.2.aOther relevant information
Criterion VI – Governance, Leadership and Management
Metric NoDocumentsWeb Links
6.1.1.aVision and mission document approved by the statutory bodies
6.1.1.bReport of achievements led to institutional excellence
6.1.1.cAny other relevant information
6.1.2.aDocuments in support of case study
6.1.2.bAny other relevant information
6.2.1.aStrategic Plan document
6.2.1.bMinutes of the Governing Council/ other relevant bodies for monitoring of the deliverables during the year
6.2.1.cAny other relevant information
6.2.2.aAnnual report of the preceding academic year
6.2.2.bMinutes of meetings of various bodies and committees for the preceding academic year
6.2.2.cAny other relevant information
6.2.3.aInstitutional budget statements allocated for the heads of E Governance
6.2.3.bE Governance related documents
6.2.3.cScreen Shots of user interfaces
6.2.3.dAny other relevant information
6.3.1.aPolicy document on welfare measures
6.3.1.bList of beneficiaries of welfare measures
6.3.1.cAny other relevant information
6.3.2.aPolicy documents on providing financial support to teachers
6.3.2.bE copy of letters indicating financial assistance to teachers
6.3.2.cAudit statement of accounts highlighting the financial support to teachers to attend conferences/workshops
6.3.2.dAny other relevant information
6.3.3.aList of professional development  / administrative training programs organized by the university
6.3.3.bProgram report for each program
6.3.3.cReports the Human Resource Developments center’s
6.3.3.dReports of Academic staff college or similar center’s
6.3.3.eCopy of circular/brochure of training program
6.3.3.fAny other relevant information
6.3.4.aDetails of teachers who attended FDPs during the preceding academic year
6.3.4.bE copies of the certificate of the program attended by the teacher
6.3.5.aPerformance appraisal policy of the institution
6.3.5.bReporting on the analysis of the Performance appraisal for the teaching and non-teaching staff
6.3.5.cAny other relevant information
6.4.1.aResource mobilization policy document
6.4.1.bProcedure followed for optimal resource utilization
6.4.1.cAny other relevant information
6.4.2.aAudit Statements of account for the year
6.4.2.bCopy of letters indicating grants/funds received by agency
6.4.2.cProviding budget extract of audit statements towards grants received from Government and Non-Government agencies
6.4.2.dAny other relevant information
6.4.3.aPolicy on internal and external audit mechanism
6.4.3.bFinancial audit reports
6.4.3.cAny other relevant information
6.5.1.aThe structure and mechanism for Internal Quality Assurance
6.5.1.bReport on the quality sustenance/enhancement initiatives of the IQAC
6.5.1.cMinutes of the IQAC Meetings
6.5.1.dAny other relevant information
6.5.2.aReport / Certificate of Quality Assurance Initiatives
6.5.2.b.Any other relevant information
6.5.3.aDocuments/ information on the process and result of impact analysis
6.5.3.bAny other relevant information
Criteria – VII – Institutional Values Best Practices
Metric No.Document Web Links
7.1.1.aAnnual Gender Sensitization Action Plan
7.1.1.bSpecific facilities provided for women
7.1.2.aFacilities of alternate source of energy and energy conservation measures
7.1.2.bRelevant  information for alternative source of energy
7.1.3.aMoU’s with Government
7.1.3.bManagement of degradable and and non-degradable waste
7.1.3.cVideo of waste management and Vermi compost facilities in campus
7.1.4.aGeotagged Photographs of Water conservation facilities
7.1.5 aGeotagged Photographs of Green Campus Initiatives
7.1.5 bVirtual tour of campus showing green initiatives
7.1.6.aAudit Reports and Certificates on energy and environment management.
7.1.6.bEnvironmental Extension activities
7.1.7 aGeotagged Photographs of Barrier free environment
7.1.7 bScribe facility provided (other relevant information)
7.1.8.aSupporting document on Inclusive environment
7.1.8.b Any other documents
7.1.9.aDetails of activities on Sensitisation of students and staff on values
7.1.9.b Any other documents
7.1.10 aWeblink of Code of Conduct
7.1.10 bDetails of the Monitoring Commitee of the Code of Conduct
7.1.10 cDetails of Programmes on Professional ethics and Awareness  Programs organized during the year
7.1.10.d Any other documents
7.1.11.aAnnual Report of celebrations of Commemorative events for the year
7.1.11.bGeotagged Photographs of Institutional celebrations and commemarative events
7.1.1.c Any other documents

Best Practices

7.3.1Institutional  Distinctiveness